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Naära Beauty Drink è un integratore alimentare che unisce 11,65 g di collagene idrolizzato per dose giornaliera pari ad un misurino ad elementi nutritivi che promuovono la bellezza di capelli, pelle e unghie.
15 dosi per confezione
with us
in 2023!
Prodotto in evidenza
Prenditi cura della tua bellezza con Naära al gusto Cioccolato, contenente Vitamine, Minerali e Collagene Idrolizzato, che ti aiuterà a far risplendere un aspetto giovanile, tonico e radioso.
Quantità netta: 225 g
Dosi per confezione: 15
Il blog ufficiale di Generation Young
Building brighter tomorrows in the Bahamas
May 1, 2020
Hurricane Dorian hit the Bahamas as a Category 5 storm in 2019, going down in history as the country’s worst natural disaster.
Due to the prolonged and intense storm conditions, many lives were lost, homes and schools were destroyed, and it is estimated to have caused $3.4 billion in damages.
To he...
Helping Kids Beating Cancer in 2020 and beyond
Apr 29, 2020
At EXPO NEXT 2019: Orlando, Jeunesse Kids provided a $1 million grant to Kids Beating Cancer. This grant is helping fund a state-of-the-art cellular therapy lab, which will offer the latest stem cell therapy and bone marrow transplants to save the lives of children battling cancer.
Uplifting communities – updates from our WE Villages partnership
Apr 27, 2020
Jeunesse Kids has partnered with WE Charity since 2014 to build stable, thriving communities that give people the power and dignity to support themselves. To date, Jeunesse Kids has adopted seven communities, helping to empower a new generation of community members with the tools and resources nece...
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