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How to present yourself on social media

Feb 20, 2022

Did you know that Facebook was founded in 2004? Twitter came two years later in 2006, while Instagram was a relatively recent arrival in 2010. This means that social media has been a huge part of our lives for almost two decades. It’s become so commonplace – and fills such a wide range of purposes – that it can be easy to forget that social media plays an incredibly important role in the way we present ourselves to the world. This becomes even more crucial when you’re building a network marketing business.

Why? Because social media is an excellent tool for leveraging the power of attraction marketing. This is where you present such a compelling idea or lifestyle that people instinctively want to know more. If you’ve ever had your curiosity piqued by someone – either online or in real life – and thought, ‘I want the life they’re having’, then you’ll understand the power of attraction marketing.

Best of all, when you master the art of attraction marketing, you won’t need to ‘sell’ to anyone; they’ll naturally come to you. But in order to do this, it’s essential that you understand how to best present yourself on social media.

Focus on storytelling, not sales
Just like you, your customers and prospects spend time on social media because they want to form connections and to be entertained. As a business owner, it’s in your best interest to deliver on both fronts. You can do this by building and sharing your personal story, rather than focusing specifically on sales.

Not sure where to start? You’ll find great ideas about how to use storytelling in your network marketing business in this blog post: https://www.jeunesseglobal.com/en-AU/blog/the_art_of_storytelling_and_how_it_can_improve_your_sales 

Be authentic about your values
When building your story on social media, it should be consistent and authentic so your friends and followers are clear about what you stand for. Start by pinpointing the top 3–5 interests and values that are important to you and that also correlate with the business you’re building. Some examples might include family, fitness, nutrition, travel or social fun.

These values and interests should shape both the type of content you post about and the accounts you interact with. Consistently sharing this story helps you to build a personal brand that people want to connect with.

Stay positive
While it’s important that your values and storytelling are authentic to who you are and what you believe in, you’re likely to experience far more benefits from presenting a positive approach to life. After all, people naturally gravitate towards those with a glass-half-full attitude, rather than those who regularly complain or engage in arguments.

This also applies to your interactions with other social media users and the type of comments you leave on other posts. Look for opportunities where you can be a positive voice that truly adds value to others’ lives, rather than spreading negativity.

Follow the guidelines
On the other end of the spectrum, it’s possible to overstate your positivity by exaggerating the success that you or others may experience. At Jeunesse, we have clear guidelines around this, and particularly about the claims you’re allowed to make about your remuneration or incentives, and the rewards that new prospects can realistically achieve. Please contact our support team if you’re unsure about the way you can communicate about rewards.

Now that you have a better understanding of how to present yourself, it’s time to choose which platforms are best suited to you and your business. Head to this blog for some helpful pointers: https://www.jeunesseglobal.com/en-AU/blog/how_to_create_digital_content_for_your_online_business