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We hold to the highest standard our mission to support Jeunesse Distributors and their frontline efforts in the success of Generation Young.

Jeunesse Global Leadership Icon
Executive Team

Intentional leadership, incomparable vision, an emphasis on results and a servant's heart – our executives are tireless stewards of these values as they guide Jeunesse and uphold our commitment to helping Jeunesse Distributors worldwide achieve their goals.

Jeunesse Global Our Team

Kevin Giguere

Presidente de Jeunesse Global

Kevin Giguere aporta una perspectiva única a Jeunesse con una historia exitosa tanto en el panorama gerencial corporativo como en el logro del más alto nivel de éxito en el mercadeo en red. Se convirtió en el director de distrito más joven en la historia de su empresa y pasó 22 años en empresas estadounidenses gestionando a más de 5000 personas, luego pasó a la creación de redes durante los siguientes 19 años. Desempeñó un papel vital para asegurar el futuro de Jeunesse y continuará agregando experiencia y valor tanto a la empresa como al campo.

Jeunesse Global Our Team

Jason Borné

Director Ejecutivo

Jason comenzó su carrera en el mercadeo en red hace más de 30 años, a la edad de 18 como distribuidor, y se convirtió en el más joven en la historia de la industria en alcanzar numerosos niveles de ventas superiores, mientras construía en todo el mundo.

Jason también se volvió buscado en todo el mundo como uno de los oradores motivacionales más jóvenes y poderosos que la industria del mercadeo en red haya visto jamás. Ha hablado frente a cientos de miles de personas en todo el mundo, y su capacidad para electrizar a la audiencia y llevarla a la acción y el crecimiento masivos se convirtió en su marca registrada.

Se ha desempeñado como distribuidor y ejecutivo corporativo en la creación y dirección de múltiples negocios exitosos, incluida su incorporación a la familia Jeunesse en 2012 como distribuidor y su nombramiento como director ejecutivo en enero de 2023.

Él atribuye su éxito a rodearse de personas que son mucho más inteligentes que él y a encarnar la filosofía central de que si te concentras y te esfuerzas por agregar valor constantemente a la vida de otras personas, entonces lo que deseas siempre se solucionará por sí solo.

Su credo favorito: muéstrame a tu mentor y predeciré tu futuro.

La visión de Jason para Jeunesse es continuar el legado de los valores fundamentales de sus fundadores originales poniendo a las personas en primer lugar y creando una plataforma global donde la gente promedio pueda crecer y alcanzar el éxito tanto en los negocios como en la vida.

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Jeunesse Global Our Team

Jennifer Luce

Directora de Recursos Humanos

Jennifer ha estado en Jeunesse desde su fundación, hace casi 14 años, y comenzó su andadura con los dueños anteriores hace casi 17 años.

Jennifer es responsable de todas las funciones globales de recursos humanos, incluidas, entre otras, la priorización y gestión de exigentes agendas de políticas globales, contratación, nómina, salud y beneficios, reclutamiento, relaciones con los empleados y comunicaciones corporativas. Como solucionadora de problemas con excelentes habilidades para construir relaciones interpersonales, Jennifer tiene habilidades de liderazgo comprobadas para fomentar y crear una cultura en la que los empleados disfruten venir a trabajar. Con más de 12 años de experiencia en el ámbito de los recursos humanos, Jennifer es una experta en expandir el crecimiento de los empleados, fomentar asociaciones estratégicas y brindar un desempeño laboral excepcional en las operaciones comerciales.

Comenzó su carrera en Jeunesse en el Departamento de Atención al Cliente y fue ascendida internamente a lo largo de los años hasta avanzar a su puesto actual. Su experiencia diversificada en gestión de recursos humanos, gestión operativa, mejora de procesos, gestión de fuerza laboral, desarrollo de negocio, adquisición de talento y planificación estratégica le ha permitido liderar con éxito equipos para lograr premios como Best Places to Work de DSN durante cinco años y Top Places to Work para el Orlando Sentinel por dos años consecutivos.

Conocida en toda la organización como la animadora número uno de Jeunesse, Jennifer siempre está alentando, apoyando y asesorando a sus colegas en todo el mundo. Se preocupa profundamente por la salud, la felicidad y el éxito personal de todos y cada uno de sus colegas y colabora incansablemente con el equipo interno. Su innegable pasión por mejorar todos los aspectos de la experiencia de los empleados y brindar oportunidades para crecer, desarrollarse y ser reconocida la convierten en un tipo de líder verdaderamente especial: alguien que fortalece a los demás, haciéndolos sentir vistos, escuchados, valorados y apreciados.

Como miembro dedicado de la comunidad, Jennifer es miembro de la Cámara de Comercio del condado de Seminole y se desempeña como editora gerente de las revistas MySanford y MyDeltona. Jennifer obtuvo su licenciatura en educación primaria de la Universidad de Florida Central y recibió su maestría en administración de empresas de la Universidad de Phoenix. Durante este tiempo, se desempeñó como Secretaria del Capítulo de Orlando de la Sociedad de Gestión de Recursos Humanos y también fue miembro de Delta Mu Delta, una sociedad de altos honores para grandes empresarios. Ella cree que la educación es extremadamente valiosa y obtuvo su credencial CFAA-HR en 2022. Más recientemente, recibió otro certificado de desarrollo de liderazgo del condado de Seminole a principios de 2023.

¡El coraje y la gracia de Jennifer en cada proyecto que emprende o en cada objetivo que pretende lograr son incomparables debido a su fuerte determinación de ganar! Ha superado muchos obstáculos a lo largo de su viaje y todavía posee una mentalidad de "cueste lo que cueste". Jennifer se preocupa profundamente por el éxito de los demás y va más allá para ayudarlos a alcanzar su máximo potencial.

Ser madre es la parte favorita de la vida de Jennifer y, aunque siempre ha tenido una sólida ética de trabajo y una persona sobresaliente, no es ningún secreto (ya que no tiene reparos en compartir) que su "propósito" y su mayor "por qué" es su hijo de 16 años, Austin. Siempre hay un brillo especial en sus ojos cuando habla de él e insiste en que Austin es, su mayor logro. ¡Fuera del trabajo, puedes encontrar a Jennifer en las canchas de baloncesto animándolo!

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Jeunesse Global Our Team

Bill Harris

Director Tecnológico

Con 30 años de experiencia en el campo de la tecnología de la información, Bill ayuda a que Jeunesse siga siempre a la vanguardia.

Es empresario y lleva desarrollando software desde 1985. Anteriormente, trabajó como Director Ejecutivo de una exitosa empresa de servicios de Internet y desarrollo de software de Orlando. Ha desarrollado aplicaciones móviles y soluciones de software complicadas y compatibles con PCI para una gran cantidad de sectores, como para grandes ministerios, empresas de construcción y salud y también en el sector de la venta directa.

Bill comenzó a trabajar para los Fundadores de Jeunesse en 2006. Ha reunido a un increíble equipo de profesionales de la tecnología que mantienen a Jeunesse a la vanguardia de la tecnología con un software premiado, aplicaciones móviles y una plataforma global que siempre está en línea. Antes de establecerse en Orlando, asistió a la Universidad de Campbell y trabajó durante 10 años como oficial en el Ejército de los Estados Unidos. Lleva casado con su hermosa esposa Julie por más de 40 años. Tienen dos hijos y cuatro nietos.

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Jeunesse Global Our Team

Hetal Shah

Chief Information Officer

With nearly two decades of experience in the industry, Hetal's dedication to Jeunesse has proven to be the most gratifying chapter in her professional and personal life. While her Master’s degree in Computer Science laid the technical foundation, her journey at Jeunesse has been a continuous learning experience. Collaborating with exceptionally sharp, talented, and driven individuals has enriched her perspective, contributing to her growth as a leader.

Hetal envisions leveraging the astuteness gained over the years, coupled with the principles of servant-driven leadership, to propel Jeunesse to the forefront of cutting-edge technology. She is committed to contributing to the unparalleled success of Jeunesse, ensuring it remains a trailblazer in the industry.

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Jeunesse Global Founders Icon
Market Presidents

Our market presidents at Jeunesse apply a wealth of experience and keen insight to help Distributors in their regions reach their maximum potential. Whether front and center at an event or helping behind the scenes, our market presidents are indispensable around the globe.

Mark Wang President of Greater China

Mark Wang

Executive President of Greater China and North America

Mark served in the Navy early in his career and held several important positions. During this time, he went to the United States to receive warship training and successfully applied for a government scholarship to study at the University of Warwick, where he graduated with a master’s degree in Engineering Business Management.

After retiring from the military, Mark joined a network marketing company in Taiwan and became a top distributor. He then went on to become the CEO of a firm that served many network marketing companies, helping to enhance the human value of the enterprise, improve performance and team development, and achieve outstanding results.

Mark joined Jeunesse in 2010 and has since broken many records for marketing events in Greater China. His success has become a benchmark for the global industry. Mark is a man of discipline and generosity. While he puts people first, he also cares about goals and results. Accountability is Mark’s core value, which has helped the Greater China market break through barriers and produce impressive results.

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Rachel McVinish President of Asia Pacific

Rachel McVinish

President of Asia-Pacific

For the past nine years Rachel has been an integral part of the Jeunesse team leading the Australasia region towards continued growth and success.

Rachel’s breadth of knowledge derives from close to 2 decades within Top 100 Direct Selling Companies, where her extensive sales, marketing, finance, problem solving, logistics and relationship management skills have attributed to record monthly sales and several awards for best performing regions with a focus on helping distributors achieve their dreams.

Rachel is happily married with 2 children, a girl who is 9 and a 1 year old little boy, making her home life as fun as her Jeunesse life.

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Vice President of Latin America

Robinson Ortiz

Vice President of Latin America

Robinson brings with him over 23 years of experience in the direct sales industry, including success in his most recent roles as Director of Sales, Latin America and Country Manager, Chile for Jeunesse. His passion is working with the field, knowing their stories, and helping to drive their business to the next level.

Robinson attended UADHC in Santiago, Chile, and earned a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration.

Robinson loves playing soccer and finds joy in watching his children achieve success and milestones in their careers. He has been happily married to his wife, Natalia Varas, for 12 years and is a proud parent to four children: Valentina Ortiz (23), Ignacia Ortiz (21), Agustin Ortiz (13), Josefina Ortiz Varas (6), and Mia Colucci, who is just a puppy.

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Jeunesse Global Advisory Icon
Jeunesse Scientific
Advisory Board

Our expert advisers support the development, formulation and testing of our innovative Y.E.S. Youth Enhancement System products. Each board member brings a unique background and knowledge to Jeunesse.

Jeunesse Global Vincent C. Giampapa, M.D

Vincent Giampapa, M.D.

A Nobel Prize nominee, one of the first board-certified anti-aging physicians in the world and an internationally recognized innovator.

Vincent C. Giampapa, M.D., F.A.C.S., is a Board Certified Plastic Reconstructive Surgeon as well as an Assistant Clinical Professor of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery at the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey.

He is also the Director of the Plastic Surgery Center Internationalé and The Giampapa Institute for Anti-Aging Medical Therapy in Montclair, New Jersey. While he currently serves as a medical spokesman and adviser for Jeunesse, he has worked as a consultant for NASA in prior years.

Dr. Giampapa received his medical degree from Mt. Sinai Medical School in New York, New York. Additionally, he has completed medical training in plastic surgery and a year-long fellowship in microsurgery and hand surgery at New York University Medical Center. He is a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons and a former research fellow for other prestigious institutions including Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center in New York City, New York.

Dr. Giampapa is a pioneer in his field. He is one of the first board certified anti-aging physicians in the world and internationally recognized as an innovator in new cosmetic and surgical techniques, and instrumentation. He is a founding member of the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine and served as the first president of the American Board of Anti-Aging Medicine. Dr. Giampapa has been awarded many patents from the U.S. government for unique cell-culture delivery techniques as well as new drug-delivery systems and surgical instrument designs.

Dr. Giampapa is published in numerous academic journals, including Annals of Plastic Surgery, Journal of Plastic Reconstructive Surgery, Journal of Reconstructive Microsurgery, and Journal of Anti-Aging Medicine. He is the author of the first and only medical textbook on anti-aging medicine and age management for aesthetic surgeons. He has written five books, including: “Breaking the Aging Code” and “The Anti-Aging Solution: 5 Simple Steps to Looking and Feeling Young.” Dr. Giampapa has been featured in myriad national magazines, and radio and television programs, including CNN, WABC-TV, Fox News Channel, Geraldo, Joan Rivers, Phil Donahue, and Anderson Cooper.

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Jeunesse Global Donna Antarr, M.D.

Donna Antarr, M.D.

A graduate of UC San Diego’s School of Medicine, Dr. Antarr has extensive training in exercise science, psychiatry and the mind-body connection in health.

Dr. Antarr has always had a passionate interest in both science and helping people feel healthy and strong naturally. A graduate of the New York City High School of Performing Arts as a ballet major, she continued as a professional ballet dancer throughout college and medical school.

Dr. Antarr graduated from Hunter College in New York City summa cum laude with a bachelor’s degree in honors curriculum. She took all the required classes for the food science and registered dietitian program, but chose instead to apply to medical school. She turned down acceptance to Harvard and Johns Hopkins, the top two medical schools in the country, in favor of the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine (UCSD School of Medicine). UCSD School of Medicine is also one of the country’s top medical schools, and has the added benefits of a physically active culture and healthy, outdoor lifestyle.

After graduation, and postgraduate training she began practice in San Diego. Adopting a then-radical idea, she focused on a more preventative approach to health: preventative and rejuvenation medicine. This included educating her patients in proper diet, physical activity, and the correct use of nutritional supplements. While in practice, she completed a Master of Exercise Physiology degree, became a Certified Exercise Specialist from the American College of Sports Medicine, and was invited and joined the Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi. She later completed a three-year residency in psychiatry at UCSD, which added the mind-body connection to her practice.

Dr. Antarr has also served as the only female physician on the medical advisory board of a billion-dollar health and wellness company. Using the “feeling great weight” concept her practice embodied, she performed a preclinical trial for their natural weight-loss product. As Vice President of Product Training and Development for a nutrition company, she published original research on stem cell nutrition.

Dr. Antarr is a highly sought after public speaker. She has captivated audiences as large as several thousand people and has been featured as a guest speaker at countless seminars and conferences worldwide. Her medical expertise spans a wide range of topics related to naturally achieving a state of well-being, and rejuvenating the mind and body.

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Jeunesse Global Barry DiBernardo, M.D.

Barry DiBernardo, M.D.

Dr. DiBernardo is the Medical Director of New Jersey Plastic Surgery in Montclair, past President of the New Jersey Society of Plastic Surgeons, and past National President of the Aesthetic Surgery Education and Research Foundation. He also serves on the Advisory Board to many of the leading skincare and injectable, and technology companies worldwide. He has appeared on numerous media shows including a regular on “The Doctors”, The Today Show, CNN, and others.

Dr DiBernardo has been in Practice for 30 years. As well as being a Plastic Surgeon, his artistic eye stems from being an accomplished award-winning Professional Fine Art Photographer. He blends analysis of form and shape to Aesthetic plastic surgery including hair transplantation, skin perfecting programs as well as minimally invasive and non-surgical aesthetic options.

Serving as the director of the New Jersey Clinical Research Center, he leads in aesthetic energy device creation and development, maintaining an academic affiliation with the University of Pittsburgh Plastic Surgery Department.

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Jeunesse Global Jason Pozner, M.D.

Jason Pozner, M.D.

Dr. Jason Pozner is Board Certified in Plastic Surgery by the American Board of Plastic Surgery and is a member of numerous medical societies. He is the founder of Sanctuary Plastic Surgery in Boca Raton, Florida. He is currently adjunct clinical faculty at Cleveland Clinic Florida and Assistant Professor at the University of Miami. Dr. Pozner is a consultant or advisory board member of several laser and aesthetic companies and is actively involved with new product development. He is the author of many scientific articles, books and book chapters and lectures nationally and internationally on many aesthetic surgery related topics. He likes to invest in early-stage medical technology in the aesthetic arena.

Jeunesse Global Victor Urzola, M.D.

Victor Urzola, M.D.

Dr. Victor Urzola completed his training in plastic surgery at the University of Milan, Italy, and his training in microsurgery in the University Henry Poincare, France. He has been in practice since 2006 and has treated patients from 28 countries worldwide. Dr. Urzola is a former president and current Vice-president of the Costa Rica Plastic surgery society. Dr. Urzola is the Co-founder of the Regenerative Medicine Institute and is a fellow in Stem Cell Therapies of the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine. He is also a fellow in Epigenetics and Genomics at Stanford University and a fellow in Stem cell and Regenerative Biology at Harvard University.

Dr. Victor Urzola holds positions in the following professional associations: President of Costa Rican Society of Plastic Surgery (ACCPRE), member of The Italian Society of Plastic Surgery, European Society of Aesthetic Surgery, and American Society of Aesthetic Surgery. His degrees include an M.D., Board Certification in Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, and Board Certification in Anti-aging Medicine. Dr. Urzola specializes in Cellular Aging, Anti-aging Medicine, and Reconstructive & Cosmetic Surgery.

His education background consists of a Medical Degree from Iberoamerican University, San Jose, Costa Rica. He underwent training in plastic and reconstructive surgery at the University of Milan, Italy, followed by training in microsurgery at the University Henri Poincare, France. Dr. Urzola further pursued a fellowship in facial aesthetic surgery at Policlinique de Gentilly, France, and completed another fellowship in body contouring and post-bariatric plastic surgery at Ramsey Surgical Center, New Jersey, USA.

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