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How a daily morning routine sets you up for success

Apr 22, 2021

There is nothing more beneficial for your mental health and overall, well-being than creating a routine that not only suits your lifestyle, but one that aids you in creating healthy habits which allow you to function at an optimal level, consistently. Creating a daily routine is a positive investment into yourself. Benefits of daily routines include increased productivity, motivation, passion, and energy levels.

Routines put us into autopilot and allow us extra mental space. Through having and implementing a morning routine, we no longer need a mental TO DO list of mundane tasks. This can be a super simple way to anchor you throughout the day and reduce stress triggers.

We all have an internal to-do list. Having a routine minimises what’s on that list as it becomes second nature and not a task you have to remember to do.

A great reason to implement a morning routine is that it can set the tone for the rest of the day and ultimately set you up for success. Importantly, there is no perfect morning routine that is going to work for everyone or similarly guarantees success.

However, there are some morning habits that we often see in the morning routine of successful people including CEOs, business owners, actors and country leaders. These common habits include:

Getting up early
When you wake up early, in general you have more distraction free time. As more people wake and the morning pushes into the working hours, unexpected tasks pop up and the days fill up. Being awake before the masses is a great way to have time for yourself to get crucial tasks done or to spend time on yourself. Early mornings are the time when you have the most control over your schedule.

Eating breakfast
Breakfast or sometimes known as ‘brain food’ is a crucial element to include in a successful morning routine as it can affect mental sharpness.

Exercising early in the morning can increase overall alertness, improve your mood, involve fewer distractions and improve energy levels.

Having a cold shower
Having a cold shower in the morning has been shown to improve circulation, helps you wake up, reduces post-workout muscle stress and increases endorphins.

As the mornings are generally distraction free, they are the perfect time to fit in a meditation. Regular meditation has been correlated with improved focus, better decision making, decreased stress and anxiety and better perspective-taking.

Ultimately, a morning routine provides structure, builds life-changing habits and creates momentum for the rest of the day. Set yourself up for success every day and find one that is unique to you and your lifestyle.