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4 Tips For Better Sleep

Jul 3, 2022

Sleep is one of the fundamental pillars of good health, a daily opportunity for our body and brain to repair and replenish. Getting enough sleep each night is essential for cognitive functioning, cardiovascular, immune and hormonal health, and much more.

In spite of this, recent research from the Australian Institute of Health & Welfare found that nearly half of Australian adults report having multiple sleep problems, including insomnia, sleep apnoea or getting too much or too little sleep [1].

It’s generally recommended that healthy adults get between 7–9 hours sleep each night. If you’re regularly falling short of this, try these expert strategies for getting a better night’s sleep.

1. Stick to a schedule
Committing to a regular routine is the first step to improving your sleep, according to the Sleep Health Foundation [2]. This means setting regular times for going to bed and waking up and sticking to them – even on weekends and holidays. Over time, you’ll improve your chances of settling into a natural sleep-wake cycle.

2. Have a wind-down routine
Once in bed, do you find yourself tossing and turning for what seems like hours? It can take a while for our brain to unwind from the busy-ness of the day, but establishing a pre-bed routine helps signal to our minds that it’s time to switch off and relax.

Start your routine around one hour before bedtime by putting away all devices and screens, including your laptop and even the TV. Avoid bright lights, which signal to the body’s internal circadian rhythms that it’s time to become alert. Instead, use a dimmer to moderate the light in a room, or switch on a lamp and light some candles.

Other useful pre-bed activities include playing soft, gentle music; taking a warm bath; or even writing in a journal to help get all those busy thoughts from the day out of your mind and onto the page.

3. Clear the clutter
A messy bedroom may not seem like a big deal, but it can actually have a significant impact on our sleep, according to one US study [3].

From an evolutionary perspective, being surrounded by too much mess can make it difficult for the brain to assess the threats in an environment. We may no longer live in a jungle surrounded by wild animals, but clutter can still leave the brain feeling overwhelmed and incapable of switching off. So, keep your bedroom clear for a better night’s sleep.

4. Other things to avoid
For the best chance at a sound sleep, it’s important to think holistically about your entire lifestyle. Avoid nicotine and alcohol, and limit your caffeine intake after 3pm – all three act as stimulants in the body.

Adding some moderate aerobic exercise to your day has been shown to improve sleep and in particular deep sleep, according to John Hopkins Medicine [4]. But there’s an important caveat: you should aim to finish your workout at least 90 minutes before bedtime, otherwise it may have the opposite effect.

To find out why sleep is so important for small business owners – and anyone else who’s looking to maximise their productivity and health – visit this blog:  https://www.jeunesseglobal.com/en-AU/blog/3_things_every_small_business_owner_needs_to_know_about_sleep  


1. https://www.aihw.gov.au/reports/risk-factors/sleep-problems-as-a-risk-factor/summary 
2. https://www.sleephealthfoundation.org.au/tips-for-a-good-night-s-sleep.html 
3. https://www.eurekalert.org/news-releases/612155 
4. https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/wellness-and-prevention/exercising-for-better-sleep